Aganetha Dyck
Check out my recent story in Galleries West magazine about Winnipeg artist Aganetha Dyck. She is an innovative talent who does amazing work with honeybees.
Read MoreMy redesigned website
Check out my new and improved website. It has been completely revamped by my ever-so-talented and ever-so-modest technical genius, Liz Duke, who has been creating a special corner for me in cyberspace ever since I started writing books for a living. Take a bow, Liz. You have done a wonderful job!
Read MoreGood news for bargain hunters!
You will be pleased to learn that my publisher has reduced the list price of two of my books. How the West Was Written: The Life and Times of James Gray is now selling for $17.95 in hardcover, down from the original price of $24.95. Romancing the Rockies is selling for $12.95, reduced from $16.95. Click on this link to view the full...
Read MoreComing soon from Fifth House
The Good Steward: The Ernest C. Manning Story is at the printers, and the first copies are expected to start shipping from the warehouse in mid-September. It will sell for $24.95, and I have already been invited to present it at the WordFest 2008 Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival on 15 October. The excitement is building...
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