Welcome to the blog page of my website. This is where I tell you about the latest happenings in my writing life and express my opinions on things going on in the world of Canadian writing, arts and politics. I’ve been blogging since 2004 and have created an index to the posts that have stood the test of time, which you can access by clicking HERE.
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Remembering Greg McIntyre, 1943–2018
I owe him a great debt of gratitude for bringing me back to newspapers when I saw my future in radio.
read moreNYT obit writer makes her exit
Writing newspaper obits brings many rewards. Writing books brings even more.
read moreRemembering John Ashbridge, 1946-2018
He was an accomplished and experienced radio newsman by age twenty-four, and taught me everything I needed to know about becoming a news announcer in Canada.
read moreWhy I’m leaving The Writers’ Union of Canada
I joined because I believed in its goals, which included support for freedom of expression. I’m quitting because it moved to silence me after I submitted for publication a story its magazine editor had commissioned me to write.
read moreRemembering Jack Tennant, 1935–2018
The veteran newsman was booked to tell an audience stories from his journalistic past. Instead he revealed a dark secret that he had never spoken publicly about before.
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