Category Archives: Canadian history

One Person’s Journey

I’m about to launch a new series of history-based posts on this blog. It’s called “One Person’s Journey” and you can read a bit about it here. This comes on the heels of my decision recently to start another series, Today in History, featuring items published in the Calgary Herald and other regional newspapers 100 years ago. I’ve since decided to put that centennial project on ice following my discovery that my good friend and fellow historian Harry Sanders has been doing the same thing on Twitter (“140 characters at a time”) ever since he was appointed Calgary historian laureate in 2012. No point in duplicating what Harry is already doing so well. So, for the time being, I have now switched gears to focus on this new historical project, “One Person’s Journey.” With 10 books of history under my belt, I know there’s  an insatiable appetite out there for stories about our colourful past. I hope you’ll join me for the ride! One-click history at your fingertips. Stay tuned for further details as they emerge.