Updating my BOOKS section

The web-savvy graphic designer Sydney Barnes, who did the covers for The Love of One’s Country and my new edition of Leaving Dublin, has revamped the BOOKS section of this site to create separate pages for my most significant titles. Let your mouse hover over the BOOKS drop-down menu at the top of this page and then click on a title to read about that book. You’ll find some new media links that I’ve inserted in five of these book pages, including the following:

• On the Leaving Dublin page, you’ll find a link to an interview I did with Mary Lou Finlay of CBC Radio’s As It Happens when the Calgary Herald strike ended on 30 June 2000. I included a detailed account of that labour dispute in Leaving Dublin. You’ll also find links to my shaky debut as a radio news announcer in September 1970 and my more polished presentation as a newscaster in January 1972. That second broadcast takes us back to a time when Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau envisaged a $10 billion transportation corridor being built in the Mackenzie Valley for moving oil and gas by pipeline and moving people by road. It never happened, of course. The Berger Inquiry put paid to that.

• On The Love of One’s Country page, you’ll find a link to a Spotify playlist of all the songs mentioned in this novel.

• On the Building a Province page, you’ll find a link to an interview I did about this book with Judy Hamill of CBC Radio’s Daybreak Alberta.

• On the Alberta Originals page, at the bottom of the page following the television interviews, you’ll find a link to a radio interview I did about this book, again with Judy Hamill of CBC.

• On the Scoundrels and Scallywags page, you’ll find a link at the bottom of the page to an interview I did about this book with Lesley Primeau of Edmonton’s 630 CHED Radio.

I had originally recorded these radio broadcasts on cassette tapes and have now digitized them – before they become brittle and give up the ghost, as old cassettes often tend to do – so you can listen to them here. Enjoy!